So guys,
I\'m trying to play a bit with Javac Cross compilation with Ant and on terminal. Locally and on an integration environment and i\'m having the same problem
This is a limit in javac. Note that you could get away with just specifying "-target" (and not -source) in older versions of javac. You might still be able to.
You may want to consider using the Eclipse Java Compiler (ecj) which is available as a standalone compiler, as a maven plugin and which also can be used by the javac task in ant scripts.
See for details.
You cannot have a newer version of source and lower version of target. For example, In Java 5, a number of new features were added to the language, such as generics, autoboxing and you cannot expect a JVM 1.4 to understand it. So, you must tell the compiler that your source code is Java 1.4 source code. This explains the results you have.
The default for -target depends on the value of -source:
For more info refer to