I find myself drawn to the Parsing Expression Grammar formalism for describing domain specific languages, but so far the implementation code I\'ve found has been written in
Have you looked at ANTLR? It produces lexer and parser code, handles abstract syntax trees, lets you insert code the grammar to be injected into the lexer/parser code, and its available for a variety of languages!
There is in fact one for Javascript: OMeta. http://www.tinlizzie.org/ometa/
I also implemented a version of this in Python: http://github.com/python-parsley/parsley
php PEG https://github.com/maetl/php-peg
This post is really old but I found it through google, and It should have been answered
look at https://github.com/leblancmeneses/NPEG can easily be converted into php. Parse tree is created with anonymous functions.
There's also Kouprey for JavaScript, which is a very easy to use PEG generator/library.
I have recently written PEG.js, PEG-based parser generator for JavaScript. It can be used from a command-line or you can try it from your browser.