I am trying to write a file uploader for Meteor framework. The principle is to split the fileon the client from an ArrayBuffer in small packets of 4096 bits that are sent to
Saving the file was as easy as creating a new Buffer with the Uint8Array object :
// chunk is the Uint8Array object
fs.appendFile(path, Buffer.from(chunk), function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
Building on Karl.S answer, this worked for me, outside of any framework:
fs.appendFileSync(outfile, new Buffer(arrayBuffer));
Just wanted to add that in newer Meteor you could avoid some callback hell with async/await
. Await will also throw and push the error up to client
uploadFileData: async function(file_id, chunk) {
var path = 'somepath/' + file_id; // be careful with this, make sure to sanitize file_id
await fs.appendFile(path, new Buffer(chunk));
return chunk.length;