I\'m writing a report in R with knitr. I\'m using xtable() to generate tables in the report. One of my tables includes both negative and positive numbers. I\'d like to chang
You can use capture.output()
to capture the lines printed by the (implicit) call to print.xtable()
. Then apply gsub()
to the output, using a pattern and replacement that surround each negative number with \textcolor{red}{}
. Finally, use cat()
with sep="\n"
to write the modified lines out to the *.tex
<<simpleExamp, results="asis", echo=FALSE>>=
testMatrix <- matrix(c(sample(-10:10,10)), ncol = 2)
## I added the following three lines
xt <- capture.output(xtable(testMatrix))
xt_mod <- gsub("(\\s|^)(-\\d*)", "\\1\\\\textcolor{red}{\\2}", xt)
cat(xt_mod, sep="\n")
(Note also that I replaced results=tex
with results="asis"
, which knitr 'prefers' and which it will more quickly process.)
Edit: Adding an image of the resulting table. (Getting it in an SO-ready form required a few tweaks to the code, which is also included below.)
\renewenvironment{table}{}{}% Ignore `table` environment in standalone mode.
<<simpleExamp, results="asis", echo=FALSE>>=
testMatrix <- matrix(c(sample(-10:10,10)), ncol = 2)
## I added the following three lines
xt <- capture.output(print.xtable(xtable(testMatrix), table.placement=NULL))
xt_mod <- gsub("(\\s|^)(-\\d*)", "\\1\\\\textcolor{red}{\\2}", xt)
cat(xt_mod, sep="\n")
Copied Josh O'Brien's answer with a little tweak to color a table with decimals:
<<simpleExamp, results="asis", echo=FALSE>>=
testMatrix <- matrix(c(sample(-10:10,10)), ncol = 2)*1.1
## I added the following three lines
xt <- capture.output(xtable(testMatrix))
xt_mod <- gsub("(\\s|^)(-\\d\\.\\d*)", "\\1\\\\textcolor{red}{\\2}", xt)
cat(xt_mod, sep="\n")