I\'m changing everything over from AlertView to AlertController, but I can\'t find anything online for objective c that retrieves what the user inputs in a text field for th
In my case I am re-using the AlertController at various points in the script so in my header .h file I made it global:
UIAlertController *alertController;
And then in my implementation .m file I assign it to the current alert like this:
alertController = (UIAlertController *)self.presentedViewController;
The above retrieves the existing alert and assigns it to the global. For this to work you first need to initialize it or create a new one:
UIAlertController* anyALERTname = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Alert Title" message:yourAlertMessage preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
Now that you have the current AlertController, you can reach out to (and grab) the TextField:
if (alertController) {
//go and get the action field
UITextField *alertText1 = alertController.textFields.firstObject;
NSLog(@"what is alert text? %@",alertText1.text);
The UIAlertController
has an array of textFields
that are ordered by when you added them (the first one you added is index 0). Since it is a generic array, you will have to cast the result before accessing the text
__weak UIAlertController *alertRef = alertController;
UIAlertAction* okAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Button Text"
handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
// access text from text field
NSString *text = ((UITextField *)[alertRef.textFields objectAtIndex:0]).text;