Is there an elegant and more Python-like way to check if a package is installed on Debian?
In a bash script, I\'d do:
dpkg -s packagename | grep Stat
This is a pythonic way:
import apt
cache = apt.Cache()
if cache['package-name'].is_installed:
print "YES it's installed"
print "NO it's NOT installed"
If you are checking for the existence of a package that installs a Python module, you can test for this from within a dependent Python script - try to import it and see if you get an exception:
import sys
import maybe
except ImportError:
print "Sorry, must install the maybe package to run this program."
Inspired by the previous answers, this works nicely for both Python 2 and Python 3 and avoids try/catch for the key error:
import apt
package = 'foo' # insert your package name here
cache = apt.Cache()
package_installed = False
if package in cache:
package_installed = cache[package].is_installed
This is some code that would give you a neat way to display if the package is installed or not (without triggering a messy error message on the screen). This works in Python 3 only, though.
import apt
cache = apt.Cache()
response = "Package Installed."
except KeyError:
response = "Package Not Installed."
I needed a cross-platform compatible solution so I ended up using which.
import subprocess
retval =["which", "packagename"])
if retval != 0:
print("Packagename not installed!")
Although it's not as pythonic as the above answers it does work on most platforms.
A slightly nicer, hopefully idiomatic version of your bash example:
import os, subprocess
devnull = open(os.devnull,"w")
retval =["dpkg","-s","coreutils"],stdout=devnull,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if retval != 0:
print "Package coreutils not installed."