I have a ListView, which contains more elements then I can display at one time.Now I want to get Index off all Elements, which are full visible ( -> excluding those that are
Try onScrollListner and you can able to use getFirstVisiblePosition and getLastVisiblePosition.
This this link, it contain similar type of problem. I suppose you got your answer there..,.
A ListView keeps its rows organized in a top-down list, which you can access with getChildAt()
. So what you want is quite simple. Let's get the first and last Views, then check if they are completely visible or not:
// getTop() and getBottom() are relative to the ListView,
// so if getTop() is negative, it is not fully visible
int first = 0;
if(listView.getChildAt(first).getTop() < 0)
int last = listView.getChildCount() - 1;
if(listView.getChildAt(last).getBottom() > listView.getHeight())
// Now loop through your rows
for( ; first <= last; first++) {
// Do something
View row = listView.getChildAt(first);
Now I want to get Index off all Elements, which are full visible
I'm not certain what that sentence means. If the code above isn't the index you wanted you can use:
int first = listView.getFirstVisiblePosition();
if(listView.getChildAt(0).getTop() < 0)
To have an index that is relative to your adapter (i.e. adapter.getItem(first)
The way I would do this is I would extend whatever view your are passing in getView
of the ListView
adapter and override the methods onAttachedToWindow
and onDetachedToWindow
to keep track of the indexes that are visible.
The above code is somewhat correct. If you need to find the completely visible location of view use below code
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
View v = null;
if (scrollState == 0) {
int first =0;
if (view.getChildAt(first).getTop() < 0)
int last = list.getChildCount() - 1;
if (list.getChildAt(last).getBottom() > list
// Now loop through your rows
for ( ; first <= last; first++) {
// Do something
View row = view.getChildAt(first);
// postion for your row............
int i=list.getPositionForView(row);
// set the margin.