I\'m having a JS error when opening a share dialog in a Javascript application using the Google Drive API. The error is: Uncaught Error: Syntax Error: DOM Exception 12.
you might want to read this carefully concerning the x-frame issue:
Google Drive API, can't open standard sharing dialog via JS (x-frame-options error)
but what i think it is not possible to authenticate all the accounts at once , but a workaround maybe to setOAuthToken
to each of them everytime you want to do so.
it is stated here in google documents that :
Important:The setOAuthToken function allows an app to use the current auth token to determine which Google account the picker uses to display the files. If a user is signed into multiple Google accounts, this allows the picker to display the files of the appropriate authorized account.
We just recently added a setOAuthToken()
method to the ShareClient
that allows you to specify which user the dialog should use. More details in the Drive SDK release notes.