I would like to show my users a bar that looks like this, if:
Checking if browser engine is Trident 6+ (IE 9, 10, 11) should do (demo):
(function () {
var trident = {
string: navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/(\d+)/)
trident.version = trident.string ? parseInt(trident.string[1], 10) : null;
if (!trident.string || trident.version < 6) {
document.body.innerHTML = '<div class="alert">Not supported.</div>' +
However, the sniffing may break in IE 11 final or future versions if Microsoft will decide to change userAgent
try $.browser.version
check here http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.browser/
Actually in SharePoint (OP mentioned that) there is a built-in variable browseris. It's available in the global window scope. Answering OP question:
- Browser is not IE;
- Browser is IE but is version 8 or earlier
(tested in SP2013 on-prem)
I like the simple conditional html. (Simpler always seems better.)
Another more comprehensive javascript alert can be found at: http://www.browser-update.org