Can anyone please confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? I downloaded the sdk, but when I tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to
I think you have your android-sdk folder in one of windows 7 system folders, e.g. Program Files (x86). Permissions there are tightly controlled by the system. You better create the android-sdk folder outside of those system directories.
If you have moved your Users directory to a drive that is not called c:\
it will not work - a workaround is to copy the .android folder from E:\Users\Username\.android
to E:\Users\Username\.android
- then it should work.
Also make sure your environmental variable Path
is set to the location of the tools folder - e.g. E:\android-sdk_r05-windows\android-sdk-windows\tools
This question is probably dead but I think I've figured it out.
Ensure you've added the c:\android_sdk_windows\tools dir to your %PATH% environmental variable.
In eclipse check Windows->Preferences->Android and ensure you've set the SDK location to the SDK directory above.
Manually create 2 directories under the SDK directory
The SDK and AVD manager should now be launchable.
Hey guys finally got a answer to your problem for the ANDROID AVD. My name is Jeremy; I'm not a user of Stack Overflow. Anyway.
FIRST STEP: Delete everything you downloaded from Android. When i say everything I mean everything, from folders and anything else. Sometimes the uninstall does not do that, so you may have to manually do it. Reboot once you finish.
SECOND STEP: Re-install everything. I recommend that you use the installer_r21-windows.exe (Recommended) on the website.
THIRD STEP: Install all of your packages that you are going to use while developing.
FOURTH STEP: Set up your AVD and click OK. It will take a while, and it will say "Application not responding" at the top of the window. Do not do anything to it; let it keep going and it will eventually start up.
Hope that get it for you it did for me without the hassle. P.S. I did it on Windows 7.
I am having this same issue. I have my SDK in C:\Android\android_sdk_windows. It already has the platform and add-ons folders. From the UI, I can enter the infor for the AVD, but when I click [Create AVD], it just hangs. I can see that it created a new folder of .avd under .ini file. And in the .avd folder are an sdcard.img and userdata.img file.
When I finally go to close the AVD program (from Windows), it comes back with a dialog telling me that the "Java SE platform binary is not responding."
One possible issue was that I had both Java 6 (32-bit) and Java 7 (64-bit) and the find_java.bat program called by android.bat was finding the 64-bit. It still seemed to be working to bring up the UI but it was very slow so I uninstalled the Java 7. Now the UI comes up very quickly (relatively speaking).
However, I've traced the real culprit to the mksdcard.exe program. If I create an AVD with an empty SD value, it creates it fine. If I give it an SD value -- HANG.
I got the same problem...but I did not find any solution on the finaly I set down and start to debug android.bat file. You find it installed androidSDK folder and inside the tools folder.
What I found was interesting...
Missing two important variables setting!
First: find the next row: java_exe=
Here missing java.exe location. You can use global variable if you set example: JAVA_HOME.
If set it you can override the row like: java_exe=%JAVA_HOME%
Second: Find the next row: for /f %%a in ('%java_exe% -jar lib\archquery.jar') do set swt_path=lib\%%a Here missing varibale before lib...settings.
A few lines above you can find a variable setting row like: set work_dir="%cd%" can use this variable to help to find lib\archquery.jar file
for /f %%a in ('%java_exe% -jar %work_dir%
\lib\archquery.jar') do set swt_path=lib\%%a
If you finished...just save the modified bat file and try to start Abdroid SDK manager from command promt, exe file or Eclipse...
SORRY GUYS!!! I don't understand yet... So! I did my modification in android.bat. Install Eclipse Juno Java and Android SDK. I set a workspace directory in eclipse, try to run Android SDK manager...and it is not run. It refered the set workspace not the installed AndroidSDK folder...
So possible the best soulution if you use exact path to ...\lib\archquery.jar file.