I’ve looked all over the SQLAlchemy tutorial and other similar questions but I seem to be struggling to get this join to work:
The scenario: I have
As of version 0.8, SQLAlchemy can resolve the ambiguous join using only the foreign_keys
keyword parameter to relationship
publish_user = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[publishing_user_id],
backref=backref('pages', order_by=id))
edit_user = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[last_edit_user_id])
Documentation at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/orm/join_conditions.html#handling-multiple-join-paths
I think you almost got it right; only instead of Model
names you should use Table
names when defining primaryjoin
. So instead of
# Define relationships
publish_user = relationship('User', backref = backref('pages', order_by = id),
primaryjoin = "Page.publishing_user_id == User.id")
edit_user = relationship('User',
primaryjoin = "Page.last_edit_user_id == User.id")
# Define relationships
publish_user = relationship('User', backref = backref('pages', order_by = id),
primaryjoin = "pages.publishing_user_id == users.id")
edit_user = relationship('User',
primaryjoin = "pages.last_edit_user_id == users.id")
Try foreign_keys
publish_user = relationship(User, foreign_keys=publishing_user_id,
primaryjoin=publishing_user_id == User.id,
backref=backref('pages', order_by=id))
edit_user = relationship(User, foreign_keys=last_edit_user_id,
primaryjoin=last_edit_user_id == User.id)