I know, how to convert a Timestamp
to a long, with the getTime() method.
Is there a method that convert a long
to a TimeStamp
Yes, there's a constructor for Timestamp that takes a long as a parameter. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/Timestamp.html#Timestamp(long)
See: Timestamp.Timestamp(long):
new Timestamp(someLong)
The constructor is doing that:
Timestamp(long time)
This question is a bit old but for those arriving here scratching their heads because their Timestamp object does not include a (long)
Firebase's com.google.firebase.Timestamp object include (Date date)
constructor. and (long seconds, int nanoseconds)
and Date does include a (long)
constructor (which creates a date object based of number of seconds from epoch - same as java.sql.Timestamp
bottom line is your solution is simply either
Timestamp(new Date(longEpochTimeVar));
0 stands for 0 nanoseconds so both option will produce the same result.