If I have the following markup:
$("a span[sortcat]").attr('sortcat')
That'll give you the first element's sortcat
value. To get all of them, do this:
$("a span[sortcat]").map(function(){ return $(this).attr('sortcat') })
See this working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BwgDW/
There's a couple of ways you can reference the span tag, but all of them end with " .attr('sortcat'); " I guess it depends on how specific you want to be and how flexible you need to be if there's a few other p tags with anchor tags and spans inside.
$('p.header a.sort span.imgholder').attr('sortcat');
/* or */
You can select elements based upon their tag name, their class name, or by the attributes inside the tags. Refer to jQuery's documentation on selectors:
var cat = $(this).children("span").attr("sortcat");
//do something with the sortcat
$('.sort span')
Did I misunderstand?
find() finds elements within a given element.