In Javascript, the ==
comparison has a strict (non-type converting) version: ===
. Likewise, !=
has the strict form !==
. T
How about creating a Object and using it
var strictComparison = {
"<" : function(a,b) { return ((typeof a === typeof b) && (a < b)) },
"<=" : function(a,b) { return ((typeof a === typeof b) && (a <= b)) },
">" : function(a,b) { return ((typeof a === typeof b) && (a > b)) },
">=" : function(a,b) { return ((typeof a === typeof b) && (a >= b)) }
console.log(strictComparison["<"](5,"6")) ;
console.log(strictComparison[">"](5,6)) ;
There are no built-in operators for what you want, but you can always create your own functions. For example, for <
function lt(o1, o2) {
return ((typeof o1 === typeof o2) && (o1 < o2));
lt("10", 11); // false
Another option, if you're only dealing with strings and numbers, is extending String.prototype
and Number.prototype
function lt(o) {
return ((typeof this.valueOf() === typeof o) && (this < o));
} = lt; = lt;
"10".lt(11); // false
(11).lt("12"); // false