In java I can use the regex : \\p{Sc} for detecting currency symbol in text. What is the equivalent in Python?
If you want to stick with re, supply the characters from Sc manually:
will do.
You can use the unicode category if you use regex package:
>>> import regex
>>> regex.findall(r'\p{Sc}', '$99.99 / €77') # Python 3.x
['$', '€']
>>> regex.findall(ur'\p{Sc}', u'$99.99 / €77') # Python 2.x (NoteL unicode literal)
[u'$', u'\xa2']
>>> print _[1]
Alterantive way using unicodedata.category:
>>> import unicodedata
>>> [ch for ch in '$99.99 / €77' if unicodedata.category(ch) == 'Sc']
['$', '€']