I have 2 separate apps (in one project) that require 2 separate builds (sencha cmd). I have been asked to create a gradle script that will do the builds for both apps.
It's impossible to configure (run) multiple commands for the task of type Exec
. commandLine
it's just a setter - the last one wins. If you need to run multiple commands the best idea is to implement multiple tasks as @RaGe suggested in the comment or to write a custom task and use groovy's native mechanisms - execute
You also can use gradle methods instead create fictive tasks
task senchaBuild() {
doLast {
void senchaBuild_steps() {
exec {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
exec {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYOTHERAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
You can use the second way to declare task types on gradle.
task senchaCmdBuild {
doLast {
exec {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
exec {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYOTHERAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
You need put the exec method in doLast in order to be executed only on execution flow
Use .execute() at doLast block
task myTask(group: "my-group") {
doLast {
println "Starting..."
println "echo \"MyEcho1\"".execute().text.trim()
println "echo \"MyEcho2\"".execute().text.trim()