What would be the proper syntax used to run an update query on a table to remove all spaces from the values in a column?
My table is called users
and in
update users
set fullname = replace(fullname, ' ', '');
Can perform an update all with the trim function.
UPDATE users AS u SET name = TRIM(u.name)
Optionally add a clause to update only the records that need it, instead of all, but uses more CPU.
UPDATE users AS u SET name = TRIM(u.name) WHERE LENGTH(TRIM(u.name)) <> LENGTH(u.name)
If the table has a unique index on the value being trimmed, you could get a duplicate key error.
UPDATE customers SET first_name = TRIM (TRAILING FROM first_name ) where id = 1
For example, if you want to remove spaces from the beginning of a string, you use the following syntax:
TRIM(LEADING FROM string) The following syntax of the TRIM() function removes all spaces from the end of a string.
TRIM(TRAILING FROM string) And to remove all spaces at the beginning and ending of a string, you use the following syntax:
To remove all whitespace (not just space characters) one can use:
update users set fullname = regexp_replace(fullname, '\s', '', 'g');
If it's a text[]
column, you can do something like this:
UPDATE users SET pets = string_to_array(replace(array_to_string(pets, ';'), ' ', ''), ';');
Before: {"Big Dog", "Small Cat"}
After: {"BigDog", "SmallCat"}
You can include a condition to update only values that need it with the replace.
UPDATE users SET fullname = REPLACE(fullname, ' ', '') WHERE fullname ~* ' ';
Quick and dirty