I have a large solution with number of projects. Some the projects depend on others (never a circular dependency though).
When I tried to remove a dependency of a p
I faced the same issue. But i could solve it by following
Or =>
To remove a reference in Visual C#:
To remove a reference in Visual Basic:
If your project only has the .sln file but not any .csproj, you may want to
As an additional point to @malenkiy_scot's above, for ProjectReference items you want to keep, double check the project guid is the correct one for that project. In the dependent .vcproj file, find the ProjectReference tags as above, and for each you want to keep:
Visual Studio uses the project guid rather than name to determine dependencies. So if you've hand edited the name of the dependency but not the guid (as I did) you get the error.
1- RIght click References of the project and click Add Reference...
2- Uncheck dependent projects from the solution tab
In VS17 Right-clicking on the References node then selecting OptimiseReferences... is good for helping work out your dependencies. Also Right-click on the project and clicking BuildDependancies... ProjectDependencies that might be where your dependency is being set.