I have a problem with capturing the Class argument via ArgumentCaptor. My test class looks like this:
According this solution my solution here:
fun <T> uninitialized(): T = null as T
//open verificator
val verificator = verify(activityHandlerMock)
//capture (would be same with all matchers)
verificator.navigateTo(uninitialized(), uninitialized())
Came here after the kotlin-Mockito library didn't help. I created a solution using reflection. It is a function which extracts the argument provided to the mocked-object earlier:
fun <T: Any, S> getTheArgOfUsedFunctionInMockObject(mockedObject: Any, function: (T) -> S, clsOfArgument: Class<T>): T{
val argCaptor= ArgumentCaptor.forClass(clsOfArgument)
val ver = verify(mockedObject)
ver.javaClass.methods.first { it.name == function.reflect()!!.name }.invoke(ver, uninitialized())
return argCaptor.value
private fun <T> uninitialized(): T = null as T
Usage: (Say I have mocked my repository and tested a viewModel. After calling the viewModel's "update()" method with a MenuObject object, I want to make sure that the MenuObject actually called upon the repository's "updateMenuObject()" method:
val arg = getTheArgOfUsedFunctionInMockObject(mockedRepo, mockedRepo::updateMenuObject, MenuObject::class.java)
assertEquals(menuObjectToUpdate, arg)