I\'ve been debugging this code for about an hour, and it looks like Math.min([1,2])
returns NaN
var int_array = [1,2]
var int_array = [1,2];
will work in all actual browsers.
You pass an array as first parameter to min
From MDN
If at least one of arguments cannot be converted to a number, the result is NaN.
The Math.min() function actually expects a series of numbers, but it doesn't know how to handle an actual array, so it is blowing up.
You can resolve this by using the spread operator ...
var int_array = [1,2];
console.log(Math.min(...int_array)); // returns 1
You could also accomplish this via the Function.apply() function that would essentially do the same thing but isn't as pretty :
var int_array = [1,2];
console.log(Math.min.apply(null,int_array)); // returns 1