NOTE: This feature has since been removed. Rubberduck still allows exporting all code files from a VBA project to the file system, but as of 2019/02/08 while it allows importing all code files at once, it will not overwrite existing modules on import, which makes this answer pretty much invalid.
Disclaimer: I'm a contributor on the Rubberduck VBA project.
The Rubberduck VBA add-in for the VBE, adds a number of features, including Source Control for all VBA hosts. It's actively developed, open source and free, and works in all versions of Excel (and Access, and Word, and PowerPoint, etc) from Excel 2000 onwards, and in 32 and 64-bit versions of Office
Rubberduck uses the LibGit2Sharp library, so you can integrate directly with GitHub and other cloud based services, or you can simply export modules and forms to a folder.
You can find the project on GitHub here: