I used to have an href
in my website. When users clicked on it, a multi-friend selector showed so they could invite their friends to my website.
That was done u
you can also add display: 'dialog' and it will resize correctly.
This works for me..
FB.ui({method:'fbml.dialog', fbml:'<fb:request-form action="URL" method="post" invite="true" type="TYPE" content="THIS IS THE MESSAGE <fb:req-choice url=\'URL\'label=\'Accept\' />" <fb:multi-friend-selector showborder="false" actiontext="REQUEST FORM TITLE" /> </fb:request-form>'})});
Replace the CAPS with your content.
The only problem I'm having is I can't figure out how to resize the dialog to fit the content. It stays at 964px. I've tried many versions of
Any Ideas?
try this:
var uiSize = FB.UIServer.Methods["fbml.dialog"].size;
FB.UIServer.Methods["fbml.dialog"].size = {width:999};
var dialog = {
method: 'fbml.dialog',
display: 'dialog',
fbml: '<fb:request-form action="http://apps.facebook.com/xxxxx" method="post" target="_top" invite="true" type="Contest" content="Come and Join this contest!"> <fb:multi-friend-selector showborder="false" max="30" import_external_friends="false" email_invite="false" cols="5" actiontext="Invite your friends!" /></fb:request-form>',
FB.ui(dialog,function(response) {