We have a project that generates a code snippet that can be used on various other projects. The purpose of the code is to read two parameters from the query string and assig
you can use javascript's escape() and unescape() functions.
Using a whitelist-approach would be better I guess. Avoid only stripping out "bad" things. Strip out anything except for what you think is "safe".
Also I'd strongly encourage to do a HTMLEncode the Parameters. There should be plenty of Javascript functions that can this.
Don't use escape and unescape, use decodeURIComponent. E.g.
function queryParameters(query) {
var keyValuePairs = query.split(/[&?]/g);
var params = {};
for (var i = 0, n = keyValuePairs.length; i < n; ++i) {
var m = keyValuePairs[i].match(/^([^=]+)(?:=([\s\S]*))?/);
if (m) {
var key = decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
(params[key] || (params[key] = [])).push(decodeURIComponent(m[2]));
return params;
and pass in document.location.search.
As far as turning < into <, that is not sufficient to make sure that the content can be safely injected into HTML without allowing script to run. Make sure you escape the following <, >, &, and ".
It will not guarantee that the parameters were not spoofed. If you need to verify that one of your servers generated the URL, do a search on URL signing.
Several things you should be doing:
You can use regular expressions to validate that you have a P followed by 9 integers and that you have 15 alphanumeric values. I think that book that I have at my desk of RegEx has some examples in JavaScript to help you.
Limiting the charset to only ASCII values will help, and follow all the advice above (whitelist, set src through DOM, etc.)