PROBLEM : I\'m using NanoHTTPD . It\'s working great but it\'s not serving .js files, images and others.
in my serve()
method it looks like this:
public Response serve(String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms, Properties files) {
Log.d(TAG,"SERVE :: URI "+uri);
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (Entry<Object, Object> kv : header.entrySet())
buf.append(kv.getKey() + " : " + kv.getValue() + "\n");
InputStream mbuffer = null;
try {
mbuffer = mContext.getAssets().open(uri.substring(1));
return new NanoHTTPD.Response(HTTP_OK, MIME_JS, mbuffer);
}else if(uri.contains(".css")){
mbuffer = mContext.getAssets().open(uri.substring(1));
return new NanoHTTPD.Response(HTTP_OK, MIME_CSS, mbuffer);
}else if(uri.contains(".png")){
mbuffer = mContext.getAssets().open(uri.substring(1));
// HTTP_OK = "200 OK" or HTTP_OK = Status.OK;(check comments)
return new NanoHTTPD.Response(HTTP_OK, MIME_PNG, mbuffer);
}else if (uri.contains("/mnt/sdcard")){
Log.d(TAG,"request for media on sdCard "+uri);
File request = new File(uri);
mbuffer = new FileInputStream(request);
FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();
String mimeType = fileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(uri);
Response streamResponse = new Response(HTTP_OK, mimeType, mbuffer);
Random rnd = new Random();
String etag = Integer.toHexString( rnd.nextInt() );
streamResponse.addHeader( "ETag", etag);
streamResponse.addHeader( "Connection", "Keep-alive");
return streamResponse;
mbuffer = mContext.getAssets().open("index.html");
return new NanoHTTPD.Response(HTTP_OK, MIME_HTML, mbuffer);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG,"Error opening file"+uri.substring(1));
return null;
There is some not so clean solution with mime types. Validation should be done with something like this Getting A File's Mime Type In Java, I my simple project I am just checking few kinds of mime.
Reference mime types are static fields in NanoHTTPD class:
* Common mime types for dynamic content
public static final String
MIME_PLAINTEXT = "text/plain",
MIME_HTML = "text/html",
MIME_JS = "application/javascript",
MIME_CSS = "text/css",
MIME_PNG = "image/png",
MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY = "application/octet-stream",
MIME_XML = "text/xml";
With this implementation I was able to read files from assets as well as from external memory.