I\'m encountering a problem with will_paginate while doing a complex find.
:photo has_many :tags, :through => :tagships
:item has_many :photos
My first stab at this (sorry don't have time to test it right now... will update if I do) would be something like the following (added the :select and changed the :group):
@photos = @item.photos.paginate :page => params[:page],
:per_page => 200,
:select => "photos.*, COUNT(DISTINCT tags.id) AS tag_count",
:conditions => [ 'tags.id IN (?)', tag_ids ],
:order => 'created_at DESC',
:joins => :tags,
:group => "photos.id HAVING tag_count = #{tag_count}"
FYI, here's what I finally found to fix this:
@photos = WillPaginate::Collection.create(current_page, per_page) do |pager|
result = @item.photos.find :all, :conditions => [ 'tags.id IN (?)', tag_ids] ,:order => 'created_at DESC', :joins => :tags, :group => "photos.id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT tags.id) = #{@tags.count}", :limit => pager.per_page, :offset => pager.offset
unless pager.total_entries
pager.total_entries = @item.photos.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'tags.id IN (?)', tag_ids] ,:order => 'created_at DESC', :joins => :tags, :group => "photos.id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT tags.id) = #{@tags.count}").count
You have to manually construct the paginated set using the page number as an offset and using the tags to make a join query. Kinda clunky.