About the tf.contrib.data.Dataset
(from TensorFlow 1.2, see here and here) usage:
When I use repeat
(for multiple epochs) together with shuff
The behavior of Dataset.shuffle() depends on where in your pipeline it appears relative to the Dataset.repeat():
If you shuffle
before the repeat
, the sequence of outputs will first produce all records from epoch i
, before any record from epoch i + 1
If you shuffle
after the repeat
, the sequence of outputs may produce records from epoch i
before or after epoch i + 1
(and, epoch i + k
, with probability that increases with the buffer_size
and decreases with k
If you want to perform some computation between epochs, and avoid mixing data from different epochs, it is probably easiest to avoid repeat()
and catch the OutOfRangeError
at the end of each epoch.
There are some more interesting pipelines you could build to track the epoch number. For example, you could encode an epoch number as a component of each element:
dataset = (
Dataset.range(None).flat_map(lambda epoch_num:
(Dataset.from_tensors(epoch_num).repeat(), # Infinite repeat of `epoch_num`.
..., # Definition of a Dataset over a single epoch.
...where ...
is the expression that defines a Dataset
for a single epoch, and includes batching and shuffling.