What is the proper way to send a subdomain.herokuapp.com to the apex domain of the application? This is to avoid multiple domain names with the same content.
Quoting from https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains
The domain myapp.herokuapp.com will always remain active, even if you’ve set up a custom domain. If you want users to use the custom domain exclusively, you should send HTTP status 301 Moved Permanently to tell web browsers to use the custom domain. The Host HTTP request header field will show which domain the user is trying to access; send a redirect if that field is myapp.herokuapp.com.
You can redirect requests to the "subdomain.herokuapp.com" using a before filter in ApplicationController or using a constraint in rails routing.
For a comprehensive answer with some bit of extensibility, in totality it looks something like this;
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :redirect_to_example if Rails.env.production?
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
# Redirect to the appropriate domain i.e. example.com
def redirect_to_example
domain_to_redirect_to = 'example.com'
domain_exceptions = ['example.com', 'www.example.com']
should_redirect = !(domain_exceptions.include? request.host)
new_url = "#{request.protocol}#{domain_to_redirect_to}#{request.fullpath}"
redirect_to new_url, status: :moved_permanently if should_redirect
This will redirect everything to domain_to_redirect_to
except what's in domain_exceptions
https://github.com/tylerhunt/rack-canonical-host seems to be the perfect choice for this. Leaving it here for anyone else who has the same question.