I\'d like to find a simple example of working with remote MySQL base. I know, there are some tutorial over the internet, explaining how to set up ADODB.Connection and connec
Download the ODBC connector
from the MySQL download page.
Look for the right connectionstring
over here.
In your VB6 project select the reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
. It's possible that you have a 6.0 library too if you have Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you want your program to run on Windows XP clients too than your better off with the 2.8 library. If you have Windows 7 with SP 1 than your program will never run on any other system with lower specs due to a compatibility bug in SP1. You can read more about this bug in KB2517589.
This code should give you enough information to get started with the ODBC connector.
Private Sub RunQuery()
Dim DBCon As adodb.connection
Dim Cmd As adodb.Command
Dim Rs As adodb.recordset
Dim strName As String
'Create a connection to the database
Set DBCon = New adodb.connection
DBCon.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'This is a connectionstring to a local MySQL server
DBCon.Open "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=myDataBase; User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Option=3;"
'Create a new command that will execute the query
Set Cmd = New adodb.Command
Cmd.ActiveConnection = DBCon
Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
'This is your actual MySQL query
Cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Name from Customer WHERE ID = 1"
'Executes the query-command and puts the result into Rs (recordset)
Set Rs = Cmd.Execute
'Loop through the results of your recordset until there are no more records
Do While Not Rs.eof
'Put the value of field 'Name' into string variable 'Name'
strName = Rs("Name")
'Move to the next record in your resultset
'Close your database connection
'Delete all references
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Cmd = Nothing
Set DBCon = Nothing
End Sub