I recently replaced the author, committer and emails thereof in all of my local commits, using the following command:
What exact view on GitHub are you using to determine the author of the line? Likely it is either cached, or you are viewing something specific to the old commit SHA1.
You can test that it worked by doing a fresh clone of the repo, and checking git blame filename
for those two files. If that shows the correct author, then it worked.
After using git filter-branch, git still retains a backup copy of the history of the repo in refs/original. This is so that if you mess something up with filter-branch, you can revert if need be. Once you're sure everything went smoothly, you can remove the backed up ref with:
git update-ref -d refs/original/refs/heads/master
For some reason, it still takes an additional commit for github to reflect the change. I'll add a space or something to the readme, commit and push... after that, github reflects the correct authors on the project page.