I have two datasets
datf1 <- data.frame (name = c(\"regular\", \"kklmin\", \"notSo\", \"Jijoh\",
\"Kish\", \"Lissp\", \"Kcn\", \"CCCa\"),
number1 = c(1
Maybe there is a simple solution but I can't find any.
IMHO you have to implement this kind of merging for your own.
Please find an ugly example below (there is a lot of space for improvements):
uglyMerge <- function(df1, df2) {
## lower all strings to allow case-insensitive comparison
lowerNames1 <- tolower(df1[, 1]);
lowerNames2 <- tolower(df2[, 1]);
## split strings into single characters
names1 <- strsplit(lowerNames1, "");
names2 <- strsplit(lowerNames2, "");
## create the final dataframe
mergedDf <- data.frame(name1=as.character(df1[,1]), name2=NA,
number1=df1[,2], number2=NA, matches=0,
## store names of dataframe2 (to remember which strings have no match)
toMerge <- df2[, 1];
for (i in seq(along=names1)) {
for (j in seq(along=names2)) {
## set minimal match to 4 or to string length
minMatch <- min(4, length(names2[[j]]));
## find single matches
matches <- names1[[i]] %in% names2[[j]];
## look for consecutive matches
r <- rle(matches);
## any matches found?
if (any(r$values)) {
## find max consecutive match
possibleMatch <- r$value == TRUE;
maxPos <- which(which.max(r$length[possibleMatch]) & possibleMatch)[1];
## store max conscutive match length
maxMatch <- r$length[maxPos];
## to remove FALSE-POSITIVES (e.g. CCC and kcn) find
## largest substring
start <- sum(r$length[0:(maxPos-1)]) + 1;
stop <- start + r$length[maxPos] - 1;
maxSubStr <- substr(lowerNames1[i], start, stop);
## all matching criteria fulfilled
isConsecutiveMatch <- maxMatch >= minMatch &&
grepl(pattern=maxSubStr, x=lowerNames2[j], fixed=TRUE) &&
nchar(maxSubStr) > 0;
if (isConsecutiveMatch) {
## merging
mergedDf[i, "matches"] <- maxMatch
mergedDf[i, "name2"] <- as.character(df2[j, 1]);
mergedDf[i, "number2"] <- df2[j, 2];
## don't append this row to mergedDf because already merged
toMerge[j] <- NA;
## stop inner for loop here to avoid possible second match
## append not matched rows to mergedDf
toMerge <- which(df2[, 1] == toMerge);
df2 <- data.frame(name1=NA, name2=as.character(df2[toMerge, 1]),
number1=NA, number2=df2[toMerge, 2], matches=0,
mergedDf <- rbind(mergedDf, df2);
return (mergedDf);
> uglyMerge(datf1, datf2)
name1 name2 number1 number2 matches
1 xxregular reGulr 1 2 5
2 kklmin <NA> 8 NA 0
3 notSo <NA> 9 NA 0
4 Jijoh Jijoh 2 12 5
5 Kish <NA> 18 NA 0
6 Lissp LiSsp 25 20 5
7 Kcn KcN 33 18 3
8 CCCa <NA> 8 NA 0
9 <NA> ntSo NA 8 0
10 <NA> sean NA 13 0
11 <NA> CaPN NA 13 0
will get you started.
something like:
lapply(tolower(datf1$name), function(x) agrep(x, tolower(datf2$name)))
then you can adjust the max.distance
parameter until you get the appropriate amount of matching. then merge however you like.