I followed the steps in Finding memory leaks with the LLVM/Clang Static Analyzer but I was unable to run static analyzer on my project.
When I try to run
I'm the author of the blog post that you reference in your question. If codelogic's comments are not enough to point you in the right direction you can wait until a bit later today and I will update the blog post with some more information about running xcodebuild against iPhone projects.
-- Michael
Alright, I've updated the post with a section titled iPhone Usage. Hope this helps!
Finding Memory Leaks With The LLVM/Clang Static Analyzer
It looks strange but I've switched active Configuration to Debug EVERYWHERE but still got same error (like Release is active). Xcode 3.1.3 version.
I was able to fix problem just after removing Release configuration at all from active target.
It can be tricky to set the base sdk. I like this approach:
I would have sworn that I had already set the sdk via the more traditional 'Build' tab, but hey... The 'Build' tab approach failed me (who know what I did wrong), but this worked great.
Good luck.
[Edit - I just visited the link posted in the Question - which repeats, but does not emphasize, what I'm claiming here.]
I haven't used the tool in question but the issue you're seeing appears to be a bothced xcodebuild command. Ensure that your target is the Simulator and not the device (-target command line argument).