How can I store a 100K X 100K matrix in Java?
I can\'t do that with a normal array declaration as it is throwing a java.lang.OutofMemoryError
Well, I'd suggest that you increase the memory in your jvm but you've going to need a lot of memory, as you're talking about 10 billion items. It's (barely) possible with lots of memory or a clustered jvm, but that's probably the wrong answer.
You're getting the outOfmemory because if you declare int[1000], the memory is allocated immediately (additionally doubles take up more space than ints-an int representation will also save you space). Maybe you can substitute a more efficient implementation of your array (if you have many empty entries lookup "sparse matrix" representations).
You could store pieces in an outside system, like memcached or memory-mapped buffers.
There are lots of good suggestions here, maybe if you posted a more detailed description of the problem you're trying to solve people could be more specific.
You should try an "external" package to handle matrices, I never did that though, maybe something like jama.
Sounds like you need a sparse matrix. Others have already suggested good 3rd party implementations that may suite your needs...
Depending on your applications, you could get away without a third-party matrix library by just using a Map as a backing-store for your matrix data. Kind of...
public class SparseMatrix<T> {
private T defaultValue;
private int m;
private int n;
private Map<Integer, T> data = new TreeMap<Integer, T>();
/// create a new matrix with m rows and n columns
public SparseMatrix(int m, int n, T defaultValue) {
this.m = m;
this.n = n;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
/// set value at [i,j] (row, col)
public void setValueAt(int i, int j, T value) {
if (i >= m || j >= n || i < 0 || j < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"index (" + i + ", " +j +") out of bounds");
data.put(i * n + j, value);
/// retrieve value at [i,j] (row, col)
public T getValueAt(int i, int j) {
if (i >= m || j >= n || i < 0 || j < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"index (" + i + ", " +j +") out of bounds");
T value = data.get(i * n + j);
return value != null ? value : defaultValue;
A simple test-case illustrating the SparseMatrix' use would be:
public class SparseMatrixTest extends TestCase {
public void testMatrix() {
SparseMatrix<Float> matrix =
new SparseMatrix<Float>(100000, 100000, 0.0F);
matrix.setValueAt(1000, 1001, 42.0F);
assertTrue(matrix.getValueAt(1000,1001) == 42.0);
assertTrue(matrix.getValueAt(1001,1000) == 0.0);
This is not the most efficient way of doing it because every non-default entry in the matrix is stored as an Object. Depending on the number of actual values you are expecting, the simplicity of this approach might trump integrating a 3rd-party solution (and possibly dealing with its License - again, depending on your situation).
Adding matrix-operations like multiplication to the above SparseMatrix implementation should be straight-forward (and is left as an exercise for the reader ;-)