With a lot of help I finally got the CKEditor to update the associated text area. See the post here.
However, I am stumped of how to get the CKEditor to update each
For each instance of the ckeditor that you want to install on your page, add the following code to your jquery script:
CKEDITOR.instances['id_of_text_area'].on('change', function() { CKEDITOR.instances['id_of_text_area'].updateElement() });
The above JavaScript should replace the code I have displayed in the original question.
I hope this will help some one.
In case you replace textarea elements by class name, just do this:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(event) {
var editor = event.editor;
editor.on('change', function(event) {
// Sync textarea
The code you have written will update the textarea of only one CKEditor at a time since it is adding a change event to each CKEditor. So this will always update the last element that has been changed.
The way I handle updation of multiple CKEditors is by using this code when submitting my form
for (var i in CKEDITOR.instances) {