I am trying to use sass in a NodeJS project and this is the library I installed with nodejs
I am using webstorm for t
Most definitely path to .cmd is wrong as lena and lazy one suggested. Whenever watcher unchecks in Web/Phpstorm its probably because of invalid path. If you still have trouble with node-sass you could always go Ruby way.
gem install sass
, C:\Ruby200\bin\sass.bat
Phpstorm 8.0.3 Windows 7(x64) node-sass installed globally working example
Another key problem from the original post besides point to .cmd is replacing : with forward slash, node doesn't understand the colon syntax and expects a forward slash instead for the Arguments box. Found answer from below link
Note in the above example for windows you need to point to the cmd file ie "path to global npm packages/node-sass.cmd"
Also he has the switches for ruby sass such as --no-cache which won't work with node as lena pointed out, the node-sass switches should work fine, but haven't tested
Here is a working config
I installed node-sass
through npm (npm install node-sass) to actually transcript scss
to css
. The only problem with the config, as in the question, was the location of the node-sass.cmd
file. When installing through npm, you should install the .cmd
file inside the node_modules\.bin
In my case, from where the node-sass file was (node_modules\node-sass\bin\node-sass
) to (node_modules\.bin\node-sass.cmd
Also, as per Lena's answer, the output argument should be:
Arguments: $FileName$ -o $ProjectFileDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Usage: node C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\node-sass\bin\node-sass
]Options: --output-style CSS output style (nested|expanded|compact|compressed) [default: "nested"] --source-comments Include debug info in output (none|normal|map) [default: "none"] --include-path Path to look for @import-ed files [default: "C:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"] --watch, -w Watch a directory or file --output, -o Output css file --stdout Print the resulting CSS to stdout --help, --help Print usage info
the simplest setup looks as follows:
Program: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\npm\node-sass.cmd
Arguments: $FileName$ $FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Working directory: $FileDir$
Output paths to refresh: $FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
'Create output from stdout' should be off
With such settings the generated .css file will be placed near the original .scss. If you like to put resultant files into a different folder, try playing with -o
option. Like:
Arguments: $FileName$ -o $ProjectFileDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Output paths to refresh: $ProjectFileDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
The answers here were very helpful and very close to what I needed. I wanted the app to create the map files and bundle them with the css files. Here are the settings that worked for me. I hope this helps someone else!
PHP storm version 2018.02
I was not able to make the filewatcher generate a css.map
file with the post of Günay,
all the rest of the post works fine for me, so what I use:
Install node-sass
global: npm install -g node-sass
Program C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node-sass.cmd
Arguments --source-map true $FileName$ $FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Output path to refresh $FileNameWithoutExtension$.css:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css.map
Working directory $FileDir$
Hope this helps