I\'m trying to write a statement that says \"if time is this and less than that then\". I can use get hours and get min. However, I\'m having problems combining a time suc
I don't quite fully understand your question but hope this helps.
c = new Date();
nhour = c.getHours();
nmin = c.getMinutes();
if(nmin <= 9) {
nmin = "0" + nmin;
if(nhour <= 9) {
nhour = "0" + nhour;
newtime = nhour + "" + nmin;
if(newtime <= 0930){
alert("It is before 9:30am or earlier");
Try this:
var now = new Date();
var hour = now.getHours();
var mintues = now.getMinutes();
(hour*60 + mintues) > 570 &&
hour <= 11