I am currently switching from PyQt to PySide.
With PyQt I converted QImage
to a Numpy.Array
using this code that I found on SO:
For me the solution with constBits()
did not work, but the following worked:
def QImageToCvMat(incomingImage):
''' Converts a QImage into an opencv MAT format '''
incomingImage = incomingImage.convertToFormat(QtGui.QImage.Format.Format_RGBA8888)
width = incomingImage.width()
height = incomingImage.height()
ptr = incomingImage.bits()
ptr.setsize(height * width * 4)
arr = np.frombuffer(ptr, np.uint8).reshape((height, width, 4))
return arr
The trick is to use QImage.constBits()
as suggested by @Henry Gomersall. The code I use now is:
def QImageToCvMat(self,incomingImage):
''' Converts a QImage into an opencv MAT format '''
incomingImage = incomingImage.convertToFormat(QtGui.QImage.Format.Format_RGB32)
width = incomingImage.width()
height = incomingImage.height()
ptr = incomingImage.constBits()
arr = np.array(ptr).reshape(height, width, 4) # Copies the data
return arr
PySide doesn't seem to offer a bits
method. How about using constBits to get the pointer to the array?