I have two examples of Intentservice. One is the Download example in the commonsware book. the other is at http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidServices/article.html#ser
To keep a service running, your service need to return START_STICKY
in the service method onStartCommand()
With this, the service will be running even if you exit form your activity.
The Android still kills services after some time (30 mintus to 1 hour) if they are not foreground services. Use startForeground(notification)
to make it foreground.
good luck
How do I keep it running?
You don't. IntentService
is designed to do a piece of work (or perhaps a few off a queue, if commands happen to come in rapidly), then shut down.
The service I am writing has to have events and listen for things.
Then you should not be using an IntentService
. Use a regular Service
, with your own background thread(s) as needed.
You can achieve this in either of two ways,
AlarmManager is android's in-buite class that allows you to execute certain action on particular time peroid.
TimerTask does same thing as AlarmManager, you can repeat certain action of your code again and again.
However AlarmManager is ligher in the execution so i suggest you to go with AlarmManager class.
Create an AlarmManager that fetches the GPS Co-ordinates and post them to server on regular interval basis.
Have a look at to this AlarmManager Example.