Slick, how to map a query to an inheritance table model? i.e,
I have table A, B, C A is the \"parent\" table and B & C are \"child\" tables What I would like to
Slick does not support this directly. Some databases can help you with inheritance though, so you should be able to get something close to the desired effect.
Have a look at the inheritance documentation in PostgreSQL
We need to do couple of things. First find a way to map the hierarchy to an table. In this case I am using a column that stores the type. But you can use some other tricks as well.
trait Base {
val a: Int
val b: String
case class ChildOne(val a: Int, val b: String, val c: String) extends Base
case class ChildTwo(val a: Int, val b: String, val d: Int) extends Base
class MyTable extends Table[Base]("SOME_TABLE") {
def a = column[Int]("a")
def b = column[String]("b")
def c = column[String]("c", O.Nullable)
def d = column[Int]("d", O.Nullable)
def e = column[String]("model_type")
//mapping based on model type column
def * = a ~ b ~ c.? ~ d.? ~ e <> ({ t => t match {
case (a, b, Some(c), _, "ChildOne") => ChildOne(a, b, c)
case (a, b, _, Some(d), "ChildTwo") => ChildTwo(a, b, d)
}}, {
case ChildOne(a, b, c) => Some((a, b, Some(c), None, "ChildOne"))
case ChildTwo(a, b, d) => Some((a, b, None, Some(d), "ChildTwo"))
Now to determine specific sub type you can do following:
Query(new MyTable).foreach {
case ChildOne(a, b, c) => //childone
case ChildTwo(a, b, d) => childtwo