I have a PySide app which has an icon for the MainWindow
(a QMainWindow
instance). When I run the file normally, the icon is visible and everything
I'm assuming it works with a bmp, but not a png/jpg? If so, it's likely that the image format plugins don't load properly.
I'd guess setting up a qt.conf file in the installed application's directory and making sure plugin-dll's go to /plugins/imageformats/ will make things work better.
I had the same problem. After some investigation I found a solution: (Macke had the right idea)
does not copy the PyQt
plugins directory, which contains the ico
image reader.
Here are the steps:
copy the PyQt4
plugins directory to your distributionapplication_path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))[0] try: if sys.frozen: plugin_path = os.path.join(application_path, "qtplugins") app.addLibraryPath(plugin_path) except AttributeError: pass
Could it be related to Windows 7's taskbar icon handling?
See How to set application's taskbar icon in Windows 7 for an answer to that.
kochelmonster's solution works so long as you don't try and bundle the Qt dlls into library.zip or the exe. You also don't need to set a library path if you put the plugins in the base of the app directory.
I still wanted to bundle everything else so I excluded the qt dlls and added them manually. My setup.py looks something like this:
from os.path import join
_PYSIDEDIR = r'C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PySide'
data_files =[('imageformats',[join(_PYSIDEDIR,'plugins\imageformats\qico4.dll')]),
"bundle_files": 2
If your project uses additional Qt dlls you will have to exclude and manually add them as well. If you need to load something other than an .ico image you'll also need to add the correct plugin.
You must include "qico4.dll" manually in your release folder. Insert this in your setup.py:
import sys
from os.path import join, dirname
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
_ICO_DLL = join(dirname(sys.executable),
'Lib', 'site-packages',
'PySide', 'plugins',
'imageformats', 'qico4.dll')
build_exe = {
'include_files': [(
join('imageformats', 'qico4.dll'))]}
setup(name = "xxxxx",
version = "1.0.0",
options = { ...
'build_exe': build_exe