I\'m working on a Jekyll tag plugin for my Octopress site to help me make a \'note\' element. I just want to be able to highlight a piece of information on my blog as a sid
I found this implementation of a 'Markdown block tag' which seems to be a relatively straightforward implementation. Note the use of site.getConverterImpl()
in the render
I used that example to produce this figure tag (based on prior art to another question I found on SO but can no longer locate)
module Jekyll
module Tags
class FigureTag < Liquid::Block
CaptionUrl = /(\S[\S\s]*)\s+(https?:\/\/\S+)\s+(.+)/i
Caption = /(\S[\S\s]*)/
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
@caption = nil
if markup =~ CaptionUrl
@caption = "\n\t\t<figcaption>#{$1}<a href='#{$2}'>#{$3}</a></figcaption>\n\t"
elsif markup =~ Caption
@caption = "\n\t\t<figcaption>#{$1}</figcaption>\n\t"
@markup = markup
def render(context)
site = context.registers[:site]
converter = site.getConverterImpl(::Jekyll::Converters::Markdown)
output = converter.convert(super(context))
"<figure class=\"center\">#{output}#{@caption}</figure>"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('fig', Jekyll::Tags::FigureTag)
The above plugin manages to parse markdown within the contents of the block. So given the following block tag usage:
{% fig Test fig %}
This should be parsed as *markdown* [man](http://example.com/).
{% endfig %}
You'll get the following html:
<figure class="center"><p>This should be parsed as <em>markdown</em> <a href="http://example.com/">man</a>.</p>
<figcaption>Test fig </figcaption>
Hope this helps! I spent a couple hours last night and got nowhere, but this morning I found this example and it clicked within 20 minutes.
Jekyll 3.x : getConverterImpl is now deprecated
Use find_converter_instance to get the converter :
def render(context)
text = super
site = context.registers[:site]
converter = site.find_converter_instance(::Jekyll::Converters::Markdown)
_output += "<figcaption>#{converter.convert(_caption)}</figcaption>"