I need a little help on an image analysis algorithm in Java. I basically have images like this:
package ac.essex.ooechs.imaging.commons.edge.hough;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.File;
* <p/>
* Java Implementation of the Hough Transform.<br />
* Used for finding straight lines in an image.<br />
* by Olly Oechsle
* </p>
* <p/>
* Note: This class is based on original code from:<br />
* <a href="http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/hough.htm">http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/hough.htm</a>
* </p>
* <p/>
* If you represent a line as:<br />
* x cos(theta) + y sin (theta) = r
* </p>
* <p/>
* ... and you know values of x and y, you can calculate all the values of r by going through
* all the possible values of theta. If you plot the values of r on a graph for every value of
* theta you get a sinusoidal curve. This is the Hough transformation.
* </p>
* <p/>
* The hough tranform works by looking at a number of such x,y coordinates, which are usually
* found by some kind of edge detection. Each of these coordinates is transformed into
* an r, theta curve. This curve is discretised so we actually only look at a certain discrete
* number of theta values. "Accumulator" cells in a hough array along this curve are incremented
* for X and Y coordinate.
* </p>
* <p/>
* The accumulator space is plotted rectangularly with theta on one axis and r on the other.
* Each point in the array represents an (r, theta) value which can be used to represent a line
* using the formula above.
* </p>
* <p/>
* Once all the points have been added should be full of curves. The algorithm then searches for
* local peaks in the array. The higher the peak the more values of x and y crossed along that curve,
* so high peaks give good indications of a line.
* </p>
* @author Olly Oechsle, University of Essex
public class HoughTransform extends Thread {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String filename = "/home/ooechs/Desktop/vase.png";
// load the file using Java's imageIO library
BufferedImage image = javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(new File(filename));
// create a hough transform object with the right dimensions
HoughTransform h = new HoughTransform(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
// add the points from the image (or call the addPoint method separately if your points are not in an image
// get the lines out
Vector<HoughLine> lines = h.getLines(30);
// draw the lines back onto the image
for (int j = 0; j < lines.size(); j++) {
HoughLine line = lines.elementAt(j);
line.draw(image, Color.RED.getRGB());
// The size of the neighbourhood in which to search for other local maxima
final int neighbourhoodSize = 4;
// How many discrete values of theta shall we check?
final int maxTheta = 180;
// Using maxTheta, work out the step
final double thetaStep = Math.PI / maxTheta;
// the width and height of the image
protected int width, height;
// the hough array
protected int[][] houghArray;
// the coordinates of the centre of the image
protected float centerX, centerY;
// the height of the hough array
protected int houghHeight;
// double the hough height (allows for negative numbers)
protected int doubleHeight;
// the number of points that have been added
protected int numPoints;
// cache of values of sin and cos for different theta values. Has a significant performance improvement.
private double[] sinCache;
private double[] cosCache;
* Initialises the hough transform. The dimensions of the input image are needed
* in order to initialise the hough array.
* @param width The width of the input image
* @param height The height of the input image
public HoughTransform(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
* Initialises the hough array. Called by the constructor so you don't need to call it
* yourself, however you can use it to reset the transform if you want to plug in another
* image (although that image must have the same width and height)
public void initialise() {
// Calculate the maximum height the hough array needs to have
houghHeight = (int) (Math.sqrt(2) * Math.max(height, width)) / 2;
// Double the height of the hough array to cope with negative r values
doubleHeight = 2 * houghHeight;
// Create the hough array
houghArray = new int[maxTheta][doubleHeight];
// Find edge points and vote in array
centerX = width / 2;
centerY = height / 2;
// Count how many points there are
numPoints = 0;
// cache the values of sin and cos for faster processing
sinCache = new double[maxTheta];
cosCache = sinCache.clone();
for (int t = 0; t < maxTheta; t++) {
double realTheta = t * thetaStep;
sinCache[t] = Math.sin(realTheta);
cosCache[t] = Math.cos(realTheta);
* Adds points from an image. The image is assumed to be greyscale black and white, so all pixels that are
* not black are counted as edges. The image should have the same dimensions as the one passed to the constructor.
public void addPoints(BufferedImage image) {
// Now find edge points and update the hough array
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) {
// Find non-black pixels
if ((image.getRGB(x, y) & 0x000000ff) != 0) {
addPoint(x, y);
* Adds a single point to the hough transform. You can use this method directly
* if your data isn't represented as a buffered image.
public void addPoint(int x, int y) {
// Go through each value of theta
for (int t = 0; t < maxTheta; t++) {
//Work out the r values for each theta step
int r = (int) (((x - centerX) * cosCache[t]) + ((y - centerY) * sinCache[t]));
// this copes with negative values of r
r += houghHeight;
if (r < 0 || r >= doubleHeight) continue;
// Increment the hough array
* Once points have been added in some way this method extracts the lines and returns them as a Vector
* of HoughLine objects, which can be used to draw on the
* @param percentageThreshold The percentage threshold above which lines are determined from the hough array
public Vector<HoughLine> getLines(int threshold) {
// Initialise the vector of lines that we'll return
Vector<HoughLine> lines = new Vector<HoughLine>(20);
// Only proceed if the hough array is not empty
if (numPoints == 0) return lines;
// Search for local peaks above threshold to draw
for (int t = 0; t < maxTheta; t++) {
for (int r = neighbourhoodSize; r < doubleHeight - neighbourhoodSize; r++) {
// Only consider points above threshold
if (houghArray[t][r] > threshold) {
int peak = houghArray[t][r];
// Check that this peak is indeed the local maxima
for (int dx = -neighbourhoodSize; dx <= neighbourhoodSize; dx++) {
for (int dy = -neighbourhoodSize; dy <= neighbourhoodSize; dy++) {
int dt = t + dx;
int dr = r + dy;
if (dt < 0) dt = dt + maxTheta;
else if (dt >= maxTheta) dt = dt - maxTheta;
if (houghArray[dt][dr] > peak) {
// found a bigger point nearby, skip
continue loop;
// calculate the true value of theta
double theta = t * thetaStep;
// add the line to the vector
lines.add(new HoughLine(theta, r));
return lines;
* Gets the highest value in the hough array
public int getHighestValue() {
int max = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < maxTheta; t++) {
for (int r = 0; r < doubleHeight; r++) {
if (houghArray[t][r] > max) {
max = houghArray[t][r];
return max;
* Gets the hough array as an image, in case you want to have a look at it.
public BufferedImage getHoughArrayImage() {
int max = getHighestValue();
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(maxTheta, doubleHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
for (int t = 0; t < maxTheta; t++) {
for (int r = 0; r < doubleHeight; r++) {
double value = 255 * ((double) houghArray[t][r]) / max;
int v = 255 - (int) value;
int c = new Color(v, v, v).getRGB();
image.setRGB(t, r, c);
return image;
Source: http://vase.essex.ac.uk/software/HoughTransform/HoughTransform.java.html
I've implemented a simple solution (must be improved) using Marvin Framework that finds the vertical lines start and end points and prints the total number of lines found.
The output image is shown below:
The programs output:
Vertical line fount at: (74,9,70,33)
Vertical line fount at: (113,9,109,31)
Vertical line fount at: (80,10,76,32)
Vertical line fount at: (137,11,133,33)
Vertical line fount at: (163,11,159,33)
Vertical line fount at: (184,11,180,33)
Vertical line fount at: (203,11,199,33)
Vertical line fount at: (228,11,224,33)
Vertical line fount at: (248,11,244,33)
Vertical line fount at: (52,12,50,33)
Vertical line fount at: (145,13,141,35)
Vertical line fount at: (173,13,169,35)
Vertical line fount at: (211,13,207,35)
Vertical line fount at: (94,14,90,36)
Vertical line fount at: (238,14,236,35)
Vertical line fount at: (130,16,128,37)
Vertical line fount at: (195,16,193,37)
Vertical lines total: 17
Finally, the source code:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import marvin.image.MarvinImage;
import marvin.io.MarvinImageIO;
import marvin.plugin.MarvinImagePlugin;
import marvin.util.MarvinPluginLoader;
public class VerticalLineCounter {
private MarvinImagePlugin threshold = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.thresholding");
public VerticalLineCounter(){
// Binarize
MarvinImage image = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/lines.jpg");
MarvinImage binImage = image.clone();
threshold.setAttribute("threshold", 127);
threshold.process(image, binImage);
// Find lines and save an output image
MarvinImage imageOut = findVerticalLines(binImage, image);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(imageOut, "./res/lines_out.png");
private MarvinImage findVerticalLines(MarvinImage binImage, MarvinImage originalImage){
MarvinImage imageOut = originalImage.clone();
boolean[][] processedPixels = new boolean[binImage.getWidth()][binImage.getHeight()];
int color;
Point endPoint;
int totalLines=0;
for(int y=0; y<binImage.getHeight(); y++){
for(int x=0; x<binImage.getWidth(); x++){
color = binImage.getIntColor(x, y);
// Black?
if(color == 0xFF000000){
endPoint = getEndOfLine(x,y,binImage,processedPixels);
// Line lenght threshold
if(endPoint.x - x > 5 || endPoint.y - y > 5){
imageOut.fillRect(x-2, y-2, 5, 5, Color.red);
imageOut.fillRect(endPoint.x-2, endPoint.y-2, 5, 5, Color.green);
System.out.println("Vertical line fount at: ("+x+","+y+","+endPoint.x+","+endPoint.y+")");
processedPixels[x][y] = true;
System.out.println("Vertical lines total: "+totalLines);
return imageOut;
private Point getEndOfLine(int x, int y, MarvinImage image, boolean[][] processedPixels){
int xC=x;
int cY=y;
processedPixels[xC][cY] = true;
processedPixels[xC-1][cY] = true;
processedPixels[xC-2][cY] = true;
processedPixels[xC-3][cY] = true;
processedPixels[xC+1][cY] = true;
processedPixels[xC+2][cY] = true;
processedPixels[xC+3][cY] = true;
if(getSafeIntColor(xC,cY,image) < 0xFF000000){
// nothing
else if(getSafeIntColor(xC-1,cY,image) == 0xFF000000){
xC = xC-2;
else if(getSafeIntColor(xC-2,cY,image) == 0xFF000000){
xC = xC-3;
else if(getSafeIntColor(xC+1,cY,image) == 0xFF000000){
xC = xC+2;
else if(getSafeIntColor(xC+2,cY,image) == 0xFF000000){
xC = xC+3;
return new Point(xC, cY);
private int getSafeIntColor(int x, int y, MarvinImage image){
if(x >= 0 && x < image.getWidth() && y >= 0 && y < image.getHeight()){
return image.getIntColor(x, y);
return -1;
public static void main(String args[]){
new VerticalLineCounter();
A simple segmentation algorithm can help you out. Heres how the algorithm works:
You can do many optimizations in the algorithm according to your needs.
It depends on how much they look like that.
A lot depends on how good you do #3, some ideas