How to retrieve test results when using “adb shell am instrument”

前端 未结 3 337
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-30 10:30

I\'m executing some tests in my Android device by using the following command:

adb shell am instrument -w

  • 2020-12-30 10:46

    If you are executing your tests using AndroidTestOrchestrator your XML test results are generated and stored inside the devices storage/emulated/0/odo/ directory. So they can be accessed using:

    adb pull storage/emulated/0/odo/

    I'm not sure why this isn't mentioned anywhere in the documentation. This path is likely to be different for real devices, where I believe the results are outputted on the SDCARD somewhere.

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  • 2020-12-30 10:47

    I had a similar problem (I wanted to have xml test reports for my Jenkins when it runs instrumentation tests on a device). I solved it by implementing the "android-xml-run-listener" (

    To use it simply add:

    androidTestCompile 'de.schroepf:android-xml-run-listener:0.1.3'

    to your build.gradle (note the androidTest prefix - this will not add code to your production app!).

    To use it, add:

    -e listener de.schroepf.androidxmlrunlistener.XmlRunListener

    to your am instrument command.

    And to retrieve the XML report file, use:

    adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<your-app-package-name>/files/report.xml
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  • 2020-12-30 10:50

    But, does this process also generates a results file inside the device (xml, html, etc)?

    No, it does not.

    Report generation is generally handled at a higher layer than 'am instrument'. If you run your tests using Gradle, it should generate the report for you. I believe this is what Android Studio relies on as well.

    If you must generate the report from the test itself, you can use a custom test runner. See this answer for one way to do it:

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