Avoiding SSL “You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure.” message

后端 未结 8 2034
天涯浪人 2020-12-30 09:51

I have a login screen which I\'m serving over SSL. The user fills in their login/password, this gets POSTed to the server. At this point I want to jump out of SSL, so I re

  • 2020-12-30 10:43

    read: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/883740 which says that this is fixed in a hotfix or with a changed registry setting. However, not all the IE6 cpu's we use have this problem, nor do their registry settings correspond to what this article says they should. Also some that give the msg are XPsp3 and IE6 sp3.

    We have an https log in screen that uses code to log into 15 other (http) domains and some of our IE6 users have to click 'Yes' 15 times. This is inacceptable to them. No, we cannot control what browser all our users use. Some are not compatible with upgrade to IE7.

    We are looking for some config attribute for each user to adjust that will suppress this msg. We've identically configed a 'bad' browser with settings that match one that does not give the msg. Internet and Intranet Security and Advanced settings and Proxies (none).Also Network connections. No joy so far.

    Any ideas?

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  • 2020-12-30 10:45

    Gmail, yahoo, etc. use SSL for an encrypted iframe, which authenticates, but there's none of the in-page redirection you're talking about. The whole page isn't encrypted for these login systems.

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