I have a String and I need to check if any column \"item_manuf_id\" in DataTable dtPs.Rows equals to certain value
I can loop over all Rows and compare
Use the Find method if item_manuf_id
is a primary key:
var result = dtPs.Rows.Find("some value");
If you only want to know if the value is in there then use the Contains method.
if (dtPs.Rows.Contains("some value"))
Primary key restriction applies to Contains
You can loop over each row of the DataTable
and check the value.
I'm a big fan of using a foreach loop when using IEnumerable
s. Makes it very simple and clean to look at or process each row
DataTable dtPs = // ... initialize your DataTable
foreach (DataRow dr in dtPs.Rows)
if (dr["item_manuf_id"].ToString() == "some value")
// do your deed
Alternatively you can use a PrimaryKey
for your DataTable
. This helps in various ways, but you often need to define one before you can use it.
An example of using one if at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z24kefs8(v=vs.80).aspx
DataTable workTable = new DataTable("Customers");
// set constraints on the primary key
DataColumn workCol = workTable.Columns.Add("CustID", typeof(Int32));
workCol.AllowDBNull = false;
workCol.Unique = true;
workTable.Columns.Add("CustLName", typeof(String));
workTable.Columns.Add("CustFName", typeof(String));
workTable.Columns.Add("Purchases", typeof(Double));
// set primary key
workTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { workTable.Columns["CustID"] };
Once you have a primary key defined and data populated, you can use the Find(...) method to get the rows that match your primary key.
Take a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y06xa2h1(v=vs.80).aspx
DataRow drFound = dtPs.Rows.Find("some value");
if (drFound["item_manuf_id"].ToString() == "some value")
// do your deed
Finally, you can use the Select() method to find data within a DataTable
also found at at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y06xa2h1(v=vs.80).aspx.
String sExpression = "item_manuf_id == 'some value'";
DataRow[] drFound;
drFound = dtPs.Select(sExpression);
foreach (DataRow dr in drFound)
// do you deed. Each record here was already found to match your criteria
Something like this
string find = "item_manuf_id = 'some value'";
DataRow[] foundRows = table.Select(find);
I think that if your "item_manuf_id" is the primary key of the DataTable you could use the Find method ...
string s = "stringValue";
DataRow foundRow = dtPs.Rows.Find(s);
if(foundRow != null) {
//You have it ...