How do we draw an average line (horizontal) for a histogram in using matplotlib?
Right now, I\'m able to draw the histogram without any issues. Here is the code I\'m
If you'd like a vertical line to denote the mean use axvline(x_value). This will place a vertical line that always spans the full (or specified fraction of) y-axis. There's also axhline for horizontal lines.
In other works, you might have something like this:
ax.axvline(data1.mean(), color='blue', linewidth=2)
ax.axvline(data2.mean(), color='green', linewidth=2)
As a more complete, but unnecessarily complex example (most of this is nicely annotating the means with curved arrows):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
data2 = np.random.normal(-2, 1.5, 1000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bins = np.linspace(-10, 5, 50)
ax.hist(data1, bins=bins, color='blue', label='Dataset 1',
alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled')
ax.hist(data2, bins=bins, color='green', label='Dataset 2',
alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled')
ax.axvline(data1.mean(), color='blue', linewidth=2)
ax.axvline(data2.mean(), color='green', linewidth=2)
# Add arrows annotating the means:
for dat, xoff in zip([data1, data2], [15, -15]):
x0 = dat.mean()
align = 'left' if xoff > 0 else 'right'
ax.annotate('Mean: {:0.2f}'.format(x0), xy=(x0, 1), xytext=(xoff, 15),
xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'), textcoords='offset points',
horizontalalignment=align, verticalalignment='center',
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', fc='black', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0,
ax.legend(loc='upper left')