I trying to upload media file on google+ and i have created Client id at google console.
I have get uploading method form
<To use the Google+ Domains API, you need to make sure that the Domain for the user you are acting on behalf of has been set up with the right permissions for your app. These instructions are under the "Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account" section of Step 1 of the quick-start guide.
Specifically, you need to associate your app's Client ID with the scopes your app will use in the control panel for the domain. The domain administrator is the only person who can do this--so if you are working with another domain, be sure you get in contact with that person. Also, the scopes listed in the control panel must match EXACTLY with the scopes you request in your app.
I think This code is for server side uploading and And I'm trying to upload file through Android phone so that it's showing Exception. By these Question1 and Question2 I found that Google+ does not have an independent write API available to general developers - the only way to post to Google+ via an app.
: But if any one know about Google+ write API for general developers then Please help me.