I\'m looking for a method to resize the page width Crystal Reports gives me to place fields in my .rpt file.
So far I have discovered if I right click on the report,
I realize that this is a very old topic and the question is about design mode but since this question keeps coming up in my Google searches, I expect that this may help someone. So, I just wanted to add that programmatically, this can be done without a dummy printer like this:
var repDoc = new ReportDocument();
ISCDReportClientDocument clientDoc = repDoc.ReportClientDocument;
clientDoc.PrintOutputController.ModifyUserPaperSize(repDoc.PrintOptions.PageContentHeight, repDoc.PrintOptions.PageContentWidth * 2);
Found it: http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=754
Basically add a dummy printer to your system that can take a larger paper size and select that as your printer for the report.
use the microsoft xps document writer as your dummy printer, and create a new form from server properties as the post above me states.
I set the printer to something absurdly wide and use that. ben's link is the right idea.
By changing your reports paper size. Make it to legal/letter etc will increase width of your reports so that you can easily display number of columns (more than 10) on your report.
To do that Right click --> Design --> Printer Setup -->Paper --> Size .
Another way can be by changing your reports orientation. By default it is Portrait. You can change it to Landscape by
Right click --> Design --> Printer Setup --> Orientation -->Landscape (Radio button.)
File --> Printer Setup --> properties orientation select Portrait