I need to parse an XML file with a number of blocks of CDATA that I need to retain for later plotting:
Here are two examples of how to do it:
from lxml import etree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
<process id="process1">
<log name="name1" device="device1"><![CDATA[timestamp value]]></log>
<log name="name2" device="device2"><![CDATA[timestamp value, timestamp value, timestamp]]></log>
def parse_with_lxml():
root = etree.fromstring(CONTENT)
for log in root.xpath("//log"):
print log.text
def parse_with_stdlib():
root = ElementTree.fromstring(CONTENT)
for log in root.iter('log'):
print log.text
if __name__ == '__main__':
timestamp value
timestamp value, timestamp value, timestamp
timestamp value
timestamp value, timestamp value, timestamp
The text attribute it handles it in both cases.