Is there any way to swap two elements in a list if the only thing I know about the elements is the position at which they occur in the list.
To be more specific, I a
I really like @dfeuer 's solution. However there's still room for optimization by way of deforestation:
swap' :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
swap' first second lst = beginning $ [y] ++ (middle $ [x] ++ end)
(beginning, (x : r)) = swapHelp first lst
(middle, (y : end)) = swapHelp (second - first - 1) r
swapHelp :: Int -> [a] -> ([a] -> [a],[a])
swapHelp 0 l = ( id , l)
swapHelp n (h:t) = ((h:).f , r) where
( f , r) = swapHelp (n-1) t
This is a strange thing to do, but this should work, aside from the off-by-one errors you'll have to fix since I'm writing this on my phone. This version avoids going over the same segments of the list any more times than necessary.
swap' :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
swap' first second lst = beginning ++ [y] ++ middle ++ [x] ++ end
(beginning, (x : r)) = splitAt first lst
(middle, (y : end)) = splitAt (second - first - 1) r
swap x y | x == y = id
| otherwise = swap' (min x y) (max x y)
That's how I solved it:
swapElementsAt :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
swapElementsAt a b list = list1 ++ [list !! b] ++ list2 ++ [list !! a] ++ list3
where list1 = take a list;
list2 = drop (succ a) (take b list);
list3 = drop (succ b) list
Here I used the convention that position 0 is the first. My function expects a<=b.
What I like most in my program is the line take a list
Edit: If you want to get more such cool lines, look at this code:
swapElementsAt :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
swapElementsAt a another list = list1 ++ [list !! another] ++ list2 ++ [list !! a] ++ list3
where list1 = take a list;
list2 = drop (succ a) (take another list);
list3 = drop (succ another) list