nodejs, jade escape markup

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-30 08:35

I have an Express app using the default Jade view engine. When I try to render HTML as-is in a

 element, it gets rendered as actual DOM elements inst         

  • 2020-12-30 08:57

    As an addition, here is another use case which you need to consider:

    If you are extrapolating the HTML content using the #{...}, it will still give the wrong output. For that use case, you need the !{...} alternative.


    div= varname


    div!= varname


    div #{varname} is extrapolated badly


    div !{varname} is extrapolated perfectly
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  • 2020-12-30 09:15

    This is the official way:

    code= '<div>This code is' + ' <escaped>!</div>'
    <code>&lt;div&gt;This code is &lt;escaped&gt;!&lt;/div&gt;</code>

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  • 2020-12-30 09:17

    Jade uses the bang to force unescaped output. So you turn regular output to unescaped output with the following construct: !=
    If your content is inside an div tag you could do the following:

    div!= content
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  • 2020-12-30 09:17

    Actually the OP asks for the escaping, not the unescaping. Which I ran into today.

    Let assume, that you have varName variable with <b>FooBar</b> content.

    Then this template will use the escaped value:

    #foobar= varName

    so it becomes:

    <div id="foobar">&lt;b&gt;FooBar&lt;/b&gt;</div>

    If you use the bang operator:

    #foobar!= varName

    jade won't escape it, so it becomes:

    <div id="foobar"><b>FooBar</b></div>
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  • 2020-12-30 09:20

    It's not built in to Jade, but you can do it with a filter:
    (This can be added anywhere at the top of app.js.)

    require('jade').filters.escape = function( block ) {
      return block
        .replace( /&/g, '&amp;'  )
        .replace( /</g, '&lt;'   )
        .replace( />/g, '&gt;'   )
        .replace( /"/g, '&quot;' )
        .replace( /#/g, '&#35;'  )
        .replace( /\\/g, '\\\\'  )
        .replace( /\n/g, '\\n'   );

    Then use the 'escape' filter in your jade file:

    h1 Code Sample
          <div>some text</div>


    <h1>Code Sample</h1>

    Source: Embedding escaped code in a Jade template

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